eList Directory WordPress Theme-Elegant Themes



eList is a verstile Directory WordPress Theme. Using eList, you can create an online directory of any type, and allow your visitors to submit new listings from the front end. The theme also comes with eCommerce integration, allowing you to charge your visitors for new or featured listings.

Perpetual Updates

Our themes are always updated to ensure compatibility with the latest version of WordPress. As a member, you get free access to all theme updates. You can rest easy knowing that your website will always be running smoothly.

Secure and Valid Code

Our themes use coding best practices to ensure that they are fast and secure. Our themes are W3C compliant and undergo frequent security audits. Our premium themes guarantee a level of quality not always found in free themes.

Browser Compatibility

We ensure that all of our themes are compatible with the most popular internet browsers. It’s important that your website performs well for everyone who visits it.

Directory Structure

eList has been built with a classic directory structure that feature your categories prominently on the homepage, instead of listing your posts in a normal blog-style or magazine format. Paid featured listings are also supported.

eCommerce Integration

eList comes with eCommerce integration, allowing you to charge your visitors for submitting new listings. All payments are handled via PayPal, and PayPal’s IPN system is used to validate each submission automatically.

Custom Form Builder

eList comes with a custom form builder that allows you to completely customize what fields are used during listing submission. This means that your directory could be of anything, making the theme extremely versatile.

Complete Localization

All of our themes have been localized for easy translation. Included with each theme are sets of .mo and .po files that can be used to translate the theme, which means you won’t have to spend hours editing PHP files.

Unlimited Colorschemes

eList includes our color control panel, allowing for an unlimited combination of custom colors, fonts and backgrounds.

Unparalleled Support

We put a ton of effort into providing top-notch tech support to all of our customers. With our dedicated support staff at your back, you can be sure that you will have your blog up and running without a hitch no matter what your experience level is.

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